All-natural deodorant stick from HUMAN NATURE review

Human Nature Deodorant Stick

from the website: An all-good, all-natural breakthrough in deo protection. While our deodorant stick is not an antiperspirant, it is specially formulated to combat bacteria and keep you smelling fresh!
12 Deo Benefits
1. All-natural actives fight odor-causing bacteria
2. Non-sticky after-feel
3. Helps lighten underarms
4. Smoothens underarms
5. Easy to rinse
6. No flake buildup
7. No stains or streaks on clothes
8. No harsh alcohol that can darken underarms
9. No aluminum salts
10. No phthalates & synthetic fragrances
11. No triclosan
12. No parabens

for all skin types

Php 199.75 (1.2 oz/34 g) at any Human Nature stores/counters

typical deodorant packaging with a seal

Apply liberally on dry, clean skin. Reapply as needed.

I've been looking for an organic or natural deodorant stick in the Philippines and so far, I only found this product. I'm glad that there is a Human Nature store in the building where I work so I immediately went there on my free time and bought this. I have to admit, I was excited to try this. I've never felt an excitement on any deodorant products until this πŸ˜‚ 

Just to give you a background, I rarely use a deodorant. I only use it when I smell which is when I have my period 😝 Otherwise, I just leave it on its own πŸ˜…

I love the smell of this! It smells powdery hence the scent (powder fresh). It says it has tea tree oil and sunflower oil but I don't smell it. It also has a dry finish you won't even feel it's there. It's as if you didn't put a deodorant, which I love. 

Do you see the shiny part? That's the deodorant. I'm sorry, my camera phone doesn't give justice. It looks shiny but feels dry.

I only put a decent amount of this on my underarms and like I said, it felt nothing. I actually thought there was nothing on my underarms but thanks to the smell, it assured me it was there. There was no itchiness nor burning sensation (I have sensitive skin). I was impressed with this on the first day I used it. It didn't control the sweat but at least I didn't smell. It claims that this won't help with the sweat plus my underarms doesn't sweat too much so I was really okay with it. But on the 4th or 5th time I used this, I was smelly. I haven't tried using this more than once in a day. I was scared that it will worsen the smell. I mean, putting another layer when you're already smelly? And while in work? That doesn't sound right. And can you imagine the hassle? Also, I only used this a few times and I notice a bit darkness on my armpits. I was confused because they said that this will actually lighten your underarm.

What I also like about this is the price. Normally, all-natural and organic products are pricey but this is affordable. I honestly thought this was a catch. Affordable all-natural product plus a perfect consistency and smell, it seems too good to be true.. and it really is.. or maybe it just didn't suit me πŸ˜”




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